A Permanent Reminder

Kim D.
2 min readMay 25, 2024

A permanent reminder of you

My hair usually covers it

But when I brush it away, there you are

I remember the day

It was cold and damp

A late fall morning in the back forty collecting wood

You told me what to do

Throwing the wood to my feet

So I could load it in the trunk of the car

You had to split it first

By hand, each piece split by an axe

Each piece then tossed to me

‘Head’s up’

You said you’d call it out each time

And each time you did before it landed at my feet

Until you didn’t

Until it wasn’t wood coming to land at my feet

Until all I saw was that axe

Time paused and froze me

Unable to process what was already in motion

I had nowhere to go

I watched you

Your dead eyes and expressionless face


I hadn’t seen you like this before


I was alone with you and I knew I was in trouble

It stunned me

I looked to my feet and there it was

Warm blood began to flow over my face

I yelled at you to take me to the hospital

Hoping this was all just a mistake

You didn’t move, you just stood there and watched


I screamed at you to take me to the hospital and got in the car

I was sick to my stomach while the blood kept pouring

You were there but you were gone

And we were so far away from anyone else

I kept screaming at you until you realized I wasn’t going to lay down and die

Until you took me to the hospital and told me to lie

Or else…

Twenty-two stitches

A permanent reminder

Of you…



Kim D.

A nonconformist, neurodivergent artist with the urge to word. All photos are mine and are protected. To see more, find kimd_arthouse on IG. 😊